Impact Investing in Passive Portfolios – Advancing into Public Markets
Wednesday, October 5, 2022 | 8:35 AM - 8:55 AM
Previously focused primarily on private markets, impact investing is now advancing into public markets. Net zero, the UN’s SDGs and, not least, COVID-19 act as powerful catalysts of this evolution. The estimated $100trn of assets expected to reach net zero by 2050 and $5-$7trn annually to achieve the SDGs can only be raised through the scale and reach of public markets. Significant improvements in measurability and transparency underpin this trend, but impact investing in passive mandates continues to be a pragmatic journey on a steep learning curve. In this session, DWS illustrates the challenges and discusses the next steps in passive climate and thematic investing, backed by active ownership, stewardship, engagement and proxy voting.