IPE ESG Global Forum - Focus on Climate Change
David Cowan
Team Leader, EIOPA
Team Leader, EIOPA
David Cowan is the Leader of the Conduct of Business Policy Team in the Consumer Protection Department at EIOPA. He has been working in EIOPA since its establishment on 1 January 2011. Prior to this date, he was working in EIOPA’s predecessor body, CEIOPS as a secondee from the UK Financial Services Authority (FSA). Cowan’s current responsibilities at EIOPA cover a wide variety of conduct of business policy areas such as the IDD, PRIIPs KID Regulation, PEPP Regulation and more recently, he has worked in the Joint Committee of the ESAs on the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the taxonomy-related product disclosures. Cowan first joined the FSA in November 2004, working on the implementation of MiFID I into the FSA’s Conduct of Business Sourcebook before being seconded for a year to the investment funds division of the German financial supervisor, BaFin. Prior to joining the FSA, he worked for seven years as a qualified solicitor for the law firm, DAC Beachcroft, including a period of four years spent in the firm’s Brussels office working in the field of EU financial services law. He holds European law degrees from the University of Warwick and the University of Bordeaux.