Panel Discussion: Opportunities and Risks in Using Non-Standard Academic Definitions of Factors in Building Factor Investing Portfolios
Date & Time
Thursday, June 27, 2019, 9:50 AM - 10:30 AM
Felix Goltz - Research Director, Scientific Beta
Joop Huij - Head of Factor Investing Equities & Indices, Robeco
Andrew Peach - Principal Consultant, Aon
Dmytro Sheludchenko - Quantitative Analyst, Första AP-Fonden (AP1)
Carlo Svaluto Moreolo - Senior Staff Writer, IPE
Joop Huij - Head of Factor Investing Equities & Indices, Robeco
Andrew Peach - Principal Consultant, Aon
Dmytro Sheludchenko - Quantitative Analyst, Första AP-Fonden (AP1)
Carlo Svaluto Moreolo - Senior Staff Writer, IPE

Are different interpretations equity factors leading to unintended exposures in your portfolio?