Sylvie Malécot
CEO, Millenium - A&C
Sylvie Malécot is President of Millenium – Actuariat & Conseil. The company exercises an activity of Council, dedicated mainly to European institutional investors and focus on asset allocations under constraints, ALM and risk management. Malécot founded Millenium I-Research in March 2017, entity specialised in financial and extra-financial research. Malécot was Chief Executive Officer of Z4Fi – ZePlace for Finance, the first digital platform for francophone institutional ecosystem, space of knowledge management, expertise sharing and virtual events. Malécot is author of a book, published by Editions Revue Banque, titled “ Bonds Markets : searching the new frontiers of risk “. The preface has been written by Jacques de Larosière, former President of IMF, and the postface by Erik Orsenna, member of the French Academy. Malécot graduated from ESSEC, holds a Master of Law from Paris II - Assas and is Actuary of the I.A.F.