Alfred Kool
Non-executive Boardmember, ABP
Alfred Kool is Strategic Adviser at Kool Corporate Communication. He has more than 35 years of experience in strategic communication and governance in the pensions industry. Kool operates as an independent advisor. He was Chairman of the Board of KPS, an association of pension specialists. Kool was partner at Kool, Baas & De Quelerij, a boutique consultancy for strategic communication advice. He held the position of principal consultant at Willis Towers Watson for 8 years. Kool has advised and assisted numerous pension funds, administrators and other pension related organisations in the field of communication, governance and strategy development. He has been engaged in various communication-roles since 1985, including the position of Communications Director at PGGM. He acquired a thorough knowledge of the financial sector, from an asset as well as from a liability perspective. Kool studied corporate communication, marketing and English.