Joshua Franzel
Senior Executive, Director of Research and Data Analysis, National League of Cities
Joshua Franzel is Senior Executive Director of Research and Data Analysis at National League of Cities. He operates at the convergence of research and key public policy, finance, and management issues, helping states and localities make informed decisions. Throughout his career Franzel has collaborated with a wide range of governments, associations, foundations and private sector firms in solving real-world problems through the application of comprehensive research analyses. He served as a Presidential Management Fellow with The International Trade Administration and The White House Office of Management and Budget and worked for both the Delaware and Florida Legislatures. He was previously the Managing Director of the MissionSquare Research Institute (formerly the Center for State and Local Government Excellence – SLGE), having served in other positions with SLGE since 2007. He was director of policy research for the International City/County Management Association (ICMA). His research has focused on state and local government management, public finance, financial wellness, public pensions and other public funds, infrastructure, health care financing, labor force demographics, public health and government innovation. Franzel has taught graduate level courses on state and local government and urban policy at American University in Washington DC. He holds a PhD in Public Administration (& Policy) from American University.