Ulrikke Ekelund
, Independent
Ulrikke Ekelund is a Non-Executive Director on three boards. She has more than 25 years of experience in the industry and 17 years leadership experience primarily from the financial sector. She has mainly worked in the intersection of economics, communication and stakeholder management in top management and as a Non-Executive Director. Ekelund has worked as an economist for the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Danish Central Bank, as Chief Economist at BRFkredit (mortgage credit institute, now Jyske Realkredit), Director at Deloitte and as Senior Vice President at PensionDanmark. For over 15 years she has also served on and off as a Non-Executive Director, since 2022 on a full-time basis. Previously she has been Non-Executive Director at Sampension, Alka Forsikring (insurance company, now part of Tryg) and Deputy Chairperson at NEFOS. At present, she is Non-Executive Director at Financial Stability (appointed by the minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs), Floating Power Plant (clean tech) and European Maritime Finance as well as a member of the Committee of Representatives at Realdania and a member of the Regional Advisory Board at Arbejdernes Landsbank. She has an MSc in Economics from the University of Copenhagen.