Swiss accuracy

“Extraordinary results in a challenging environment. Consistently superior performance compared to its peers over time demonstrates strong and effective management,” judge’s comment







Hybrid of defined benefit and defined contribution


5,656 (active)
3,744 (retired)




-4.98% (1yr)
4.02% (3yr)
4.14% (5yr)
5.12% (10yr)

Pensionskasse Manor (Manor) is the €1.8bn pension fund for the family-owned Swiss supermarket chain Manor. It caters for 9,400 current and former workers through a hybrid defined benefit and defined contribution model.

In 2022, it lost 5% but this followed a 10.9% return in 2021 and 6.8% gain the year before. However, over the past 10 years,  Manor has generated an average annual investment return of 5.1%, while its three- and five-year average annual returns are just over 4%.

Manor pursues a long-term investment strategy that it compares with US endowment funds more than other pension plans. This means it has a much lower allocation to fixed income than many other Swiss retirement plans and a much higher proportion invested in alternative assets such as hedge funds, private equity and infrastructure. More than 30% of the fund’s strategic asset allocation is dedicated to local and foreign real estate.

This allocation has led to strong investment performance and a high coverage ratio. At the end of 2022 Pensionskasse Manor ranked in the top 10% of Swiss funds with a coverage ratio of 123.9%, demonstrating that assets comfortably exceeded liabilities. This allowed the pension fund to increase benefits in payment by 2% for 2023. Over the past five years the pension fund has been able to provide an annual interest payment of just over 3% on average, despite the negative interest rate environment in Switzerland.

Pensionskasse Manor is planning a new asset-liability management study with the aim of repositioning its strategic asset allocation to be more appropriate for the expected future investment environment. This will potentially lead to an increase in fixed income allocations given higher yields available.


➤ High allocation to illiquid assets relative to other Swiss funds

➤ Strong investment performance enabling increase in member benefits and interest payments

➤ New ALM study to facilitate increased allocation to fixed income







-6.41% (1yr);

The €4.7bn CERN Pension Fund (CERN) benefitted from an underweight position in fixed income in 2022, offering some protection from a very poor year for bond market returns. In equities, which also endured a difficult year, the fund shifted to a passive US strategy and maintained an overweight position in Europe, which helped with outperformance. Real assets holdings contributed positively to the fund’s overall performance, in particular real estate, timber and farmland, private equity and hedge funds. CERN added CHF105m (€108.7m) worth of new hedge fund exposure during the year and committed CHF52m to private equity, while enacting climate impact and carbon footprint studies. This has led to investments in two infrastructure funds focused on the energy transition, giving exposure to assets such as offshore wind farms. It also engaged in environmental initiatives.

Judged by

Théodore Economou
Simon Kew
Ilir Roko
Stephan Skaanes