Striking the right balance

“Outstanding compared with European pension funds, irrespective of their size and resources,” judge’s comment







Defined benefit


3,698 (active, including deferred)
274 (retired)




-8.40% (1yr)
-0.45% (3yr)
1.03% (5yr)
2.54% (10yr)

FP Banco Santander Totta (Santander Totta) manages €1.1bn on behalf of more than 9,500 current and former employees. It endured turbulent market conditions in 2022, which led to negative performances in most asset classes, but the pension fund’s long-term view prompted the decision to increase fixed income allocations. This generated most of the alpha it obtained against its benchmark during the year.

Active management of the pension fund also contributed to Santander Totta’s portfolio outperforming the benchmark by 220 basis points. Only the portfolio’s high allocation to equity in the first weeks of the year, which was reduced from 18-20% to 14-16%, prevented all asset classes from outperforming. The pension fund also increased allocation to private equity and infrastructure funds from 18% to 20%, which improved performance and lowered the volatility of the pension fund.

Santander Totta has always prioritised ESG policies, but these have gained additional importance in recent years. Banco Santander Totta joined a net zero initiative at the beginning of 2022 in line with the Santander Group’s corporate policy. As such, the pension fund has begun the process of transforming into an Article 8 fund under the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation.

The ongoing development of BlackRock’s Aladdin platform has benefited the pension fund because it allows portfolio managers to concentrate on a single, reliable source of data. It has also enhanced risk and performance monitoring. This data is now included in quarterly and monthly performance meetings and the pension fund’s regular reports to stakeholders.

The market volatility in 2022 demonstrated that more communication activities were needed to provide the latest marketing notes and close client support service. Therefore, Santander Totta introduced a new monthly committee that gathered members from investments and commercial areas to support stakeholders.


➤ A long-term view and active management led to benchmark outperformance

➤ Use of specialist platform to enhance risk and performance monitoring

➤ Significant improvements in ESG policies, including transitioning under EU SFDR guidelines







-7.98% (1yr);
1.01% (3yr)
1.82% (5yr)
3.91% (10yr)

Ageas Pensões is managed under a transparent and agnostic framework where governance, financial targets and sustainable goals are assessed and reviewed on a regular basis to enable validation, changes or enhancements to the €1.1bn portfolio. The fund’s investment strategy was recently revised to be better balanced with its liabilities. The duration gap has been shortened, supported by a funding surplus, to protect the portfolio from interest rate volatility. To keep in line with its objective to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, Ageas Pensões has set a series of five-year interim targets to achieve certain levels of decarbonisation. It regularly reports on climate-related metrics and incorporates positive and negative screening as part of its responsible investment policy.

Judged by

Pedro Barbosa
Roberto Carcache
Gianmaria Fragassi
Neill Hamilton

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