For the good of all

“A highly innovative approach to optimisation by integrating all sub-portfolios when investing and sharing the advantages in an equitable way. Great creative thinking!” judge’s comment






Hybrid of defined benefit and defined contribution


186,000 active
91,000 retired
220,000 deferred




11.8% (1yr)
1.9% (3yr)
4.8% (5yr)
5.3% (10yr)

PenSam’s strategic asset allocation (SAA) is rooted in a simulation-based modelling of all the asset classes in its portfolio. It believes that alternatives, such as real estate, private debt and infrastructure, earn an illiquidity / complexity premium compared with listed assets, while others, especially low-risk illiquid credit, have a higher return to risk ratio than other investments.

PenSam runs the pensions assets for eight pension funds. Only one, Fleksion, is currently open and active in that it continues to receive contributions. Fleksion is therefore very much a driving force in PenSam’s investment strategy and how it constructs its portfolio.

Based on a return target set for Fleksion, PenSam undertakes specific investment modelling that is designed to lead to an optimal portfolio that differs depending on whether leverage is considered. When it does allow for leverage, the optimal portfolio has a higher allocation to low-risk illiquid credit. Thus, it is possible to achieve a higher long-term expected return without increasing the risk as measured in worst-case scenarios. It also shows risk would increase if the same expected return target was achieved by buying equities and selling bonds.

For the closed seven pension funds, which PenSam calls ‘run-off’ portfolios, PenSam has a substantial allocation to AAA-rated Danish government bonds thanks to their low-risk capacity. These portfolios are constructed to be very liquid to allow as much as half to be converted into cash in a matter of days. Although this liquidity is not necessary, it increases the seven funds’ solvency risk capacity to invest in assets such as low-risk illiquid credit.

The strategies are linked: By creating an internal loan structure that provides leverage to Fleksion, PenSam can increase the expected return in all the portfolios without increasing the economic risk. The internal loan is a collateralised repo structure between the run-off portfolios and Fleksion.


➤ Simulation-based modelling to define strategic asset allocation

➤ Large liquid domestic bond portfolio for closed schemes’ strategies

➤ Internal loan structure between strategies to increase returns without incurring extra risk







6.72% (1yr);
3.87% (3yr)
5.81% (5yr)
4.52% (10yrs)

Since its inception, Pensions Caixa 30 has prioritised a robust and diversified portfolio construction strategy to meet the long-term objectives of its members. The fundamental goal is to achieve sustainable growth while managing risk effectively across various market cycles. This strategy is underpinned by a disciplined asset allocation approach, dynamic risk management and a commitment to incorporating ESG. The portfolio as of June 2024 reflects this approach, with a diversified allocation comprising 35% equities, 46% fixed income, 18% alternatives and 1% cash.


North Macedonia




Mandatory fund: 8.11%
Voluntary fund: 8.46 (1yr)
Mandatory fund: 4.90%
Voluntary fund: 5.30% (3yr)
Mandatory fund: 5.45%
Voluntary fund: 5.59% (5yr)

Sava pension company a.d. Skopje’s (Sava) triennially reviewed strategic asset allocation (SAA) is based on a set of assumptions about the expected return of permitted asset classes, their expected volatility and long-term inflation. This is complemented by annual tactical allocations. In recent years, Sava has restructured its portfolio construction process by incorporating ESG considerations and thematic investing. This has led to divesting unwanted holdings while adding positions that capture mega trends like artificial intelligence, cloud technology, fintech, smart mobility, climate change and the circular economy.

Judged by

Xavier Bellavista Badia
Roland van den Brink
Jeff Houston
Peter Kraneveld