Fresh start to enhance returns

“State-of-the-art investment process, with delegated portfolio management and specialist mandates, supported by solid investment returns and good outline of ESG in security selection” judge’s comment







Defined benefit corporate pension fund


37,353 (active, including deferred)
11,395 (retired)




15% (1yr)

As at 31 December 2022

● One area of increased focus for Merck Sharp and Dohme (MSD) in the past year has been on the small cap equity segment of its portfolio and the managers that run it. This is the result of several factors including weaker than expected performance over various time periods, including some where MSD felt value should have been added, resulted in deteriorating conviction. This led to the appointment in spring 2023 of a replacement manager to provide the exposure to quality and growth that MSD seeks.

● Changes to a portfolio of this size, which is around €325m in equity trading, involve considerable transition management planning including appointing a transition manager, internal governance, stakeholder communications, documentation updates, operational set ups and regulatory filings. Within three months, the revised portfolio was in place – demonstrating swiftness of implementation following the decision to appoint the new manager.

● ESG and sustainability are key components of MSD’s equity strategy and focus in this area has continued over the past year, with MSD taking several steps to enhance the credentials of its equity portfolio. Within the small cap equity segment, it transitioned to an existing manager’s ‘carbon penalty’ small-cap equity strategy, which penalises high carbon-emitting stocks at the outset. This effectively allows some flexibility to hold higher emitting names when they are very attractively priced but will reduce carbon intensity by 30% on average through time. Analysis showed that implementing this lower carbon strategy has minimal impact on the risk/return characteristics over the long term.

● MSD also agreed to add tobacco to the list of its exclusions, given that it is a pharmaceutical company associated with cancer research and treatments. It believes that this is a positive step from a reputational perspective, reflecting its core values as a business. Its exclusion list also includes cluster munitions and controversial weapons, as guided by Dutch Regulation.


➤ Appointment of new small cap equity manager to address poor performance

➤ Transition to carbon penalty strategy for small cap equities

➤ Exclusion of tobacco to align it with the sponsor in the cancer research and treatment



North Macedonia



(as at 30 June 2023)

Mandatory fund -2.34%, voluntary fund -2.76% (1yr)
Mandatory fund 5.37%, voluntary fund 5.61% (3yr)
Mandatory fund 5%, voluntary fund 4.86% (5yr)
Mandatory fund 5.62%, voluntary fund 5.82% (10yr)

Sava pension company a.d. Skopje’s (Sava) active portfolio management approach includes making decisions regarding asset allocation, geographical and sector allocation, and security selection. It also includes active selection of thematic investment funds. Thematic investment is a good tool for positioning towards established long-term trends and gaining exposure to companies with good long-term prospects. Sava’s strategy is focused on detecting and selecting long-term market credentials and defines the long-term trends as disruptive technologies, demographic and social changes, and climate change. In 2022, Sava further intensified its efforts to integrate ESG in its investment process. It improved its fund screening process by considering the long-term ESG scores of its investments, resulting in a narrower but more refined and appropriate investment universe.

Judged by

Alan Briefel
Gerald Moritz
Paul Owens
Stephan Skaanes

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