Ulf Erlandsson
Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute   

Ulf Erlandsson is Chief Executive Officer and founder of Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute (AFII), a research institute and advocacy focusing on fixed income markets and the climate transition. Launched in 2020 and backed by prominent climate philanthropies, AFII’s work is based on the team’s practical experience from fixed income market, and specifically how to apply sophisticated climate impact investing in credit. He held a position as quantitative strategist at Barclays Capital. Erlandsson previously run global credit, SSAs and a total return alpha strategy at Swedish state pension fund AP4. His publication record covers a spectrum of credit and climate pieces such as Credit alpha and CO2 reduction, High-frequency CDS index trading, Carbon negative leveraged investment strategies, An option pricing approach for sustainability-linked bonds and books such as Systematic CDS index trading handbook, CDS curve trading handbook and Empirical analysis of the credit cycle.He was recently awarded Environmental Finance’s Bond Personality of the Year 2022 as well as CFA Sweden’s ESG Prize 2021.  
Ulf Erlandsson