Didier Weckner
President, Union Retraite   

Didier Weckner is President of Union Retraite, the French pensions institution comprised of France’s mandatory pension schemes and Vice President of its Public Interest Group. In addition, he is Senior Health Advisor at AXA Group and AXA France, Chairman of AGIRRC ARRCO and a member of the MEDEF social protection committee. Weckner began his career within the AXA group in 1987 as Internal Auditor before becoming Head of AXA Group International Audit. From 1992-1996 he switched to AXA France’s retail life insurance branch, Alpha Assurances, where he was Technical Director. Between 1996 and 2001, he was Director at AGIPI, the French association of insured customers of retirement, savings and health schemes. He returned to the AXA group in 1999, where for one year he was Director of AXA Prévoyance & Patrimoine. Thereafter until 2003 he assumed the role of Managing Director of AXA Assurances in the Alsace Lorraine region. From 2003-2011, he was Director of AXA Entreprises group insurance. From 2011-2021 before assuming his current role within the AXA Group, he became Deputy CEO and Head of AXA France Group Insurance. He has been a member of AXA France’s Executive Committee.  
Didier Weckner