Johannes Ziegelbecker
Vice President, Association of Austrian Occupational Pension and Provision Funds (WKO)
Johannes Ziegelbecker is a Member of the Executive Board at Bundespensionskasse AG.
He started his professional career at Raiffeisen Bank International in Vienna, where he held various positions, ultimately as head of product development in securities and investment banking. In 1990, he was appointed CEO of the newly founded multi-employer pension fund Valida as well as of an employee benefit consultancy. He attends meetings at PensionsEurope on a regular basis and has subsequently taken on various functions in the Austrian Association of Pension Funds (Fachverband der Pensionskassen) since 1991. Previously he has been chairman and member of several supervisory boards in the pension industry and still holds the position of vice-chairman of the Association of Austrian Occupational Pension and Provision Funds (Fachverband der Pensions- und Vorsorgekassen). In October 2008 he was appointed to the executive board of Bundespensionskasse AG (Austrian Federal Pension Fund), responsible for the areas of administration, communication, risk, liabilities, actuarial affairs and ICT. He holds university degrees in Economics and Law.