Anders Lundstrom
Chief Executive Officer, minpension   

Anders Lundstrom is Chief Executive Officer at minpension. He is an experienced Chief Executive Officer working in the insurance and pensions area both from a business perspective and from an information technology industry perspective. Lundstrom has mixed the different experiences creating new digital services in both the pension and P&C area. He was appointed CEO of the Swedish pension dashboard in 2004 and was responsible for establishing the company and creating the first version of the Swedish pension dashboard, a public private partnership, which was a long, complicated process, with negotiations between the state and private pension providers his diplomatic skills were critical to the success. Lundstrom has also been a part of the expert group in the EU-project TTYPE, Track And Trace Your Pensions in Europe and a member of EIOPA’s practitioner network on Pension Tracking Systems. He is also a member of the Executive board of the European Tracking Service Association (ETS).  
Anders Lundstrom